MicroChannel Treatments

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MicroChannel Treatments


MicroChannel Treatment In Santa Clara Ca

Discover the Power of  StemCell Microchanneling for Youthful Skin!
As we age, the collagen and elastin production in our body slows down, resulting in volume loss and decreased elasticity. Combat these signs of aging with  StemCell Microchanneling at Luminous Skin Studio Santa Clara, CA. This advanced treatment combines natural growth hormones with cutting-edge microchanneling technology to stimulate regenerative stem cells, revealing a more youthful appearance with minimal downtime. Experience the transformative effects of  StemCell Therapies, boosting collagen production and repairing external signs of aging. Restore your skin’s youthful volume and elasticity today!
Experience the Revolution in Scientific Skincare and Rejuvenation in Santa Clara, CA!
StemCell Therapies introduces a breakthrough microchanneling system that delivers exceptional results. This cutting-edge technology effectively reduces wrinkles, improves acne and traumatic scarring, reduces inflammation, and nourishes hair follicles. Combined with powerful growth factor serums, this skin-transforming treatment maximizes its effects. Prepare for a complete skin transformation with  StemCell Therapies’ advanced microchanneling and growth factor serums in Santa Clara, CA.
The Difference Between Microneedling and Microchanneling
Microchanneling therapy offers a cutting-edge alternative to traditional Microneedling treatments in Santa Clara, California. By creating micro vertical channels, our specialized device allows for better and deeper product absorption. Unlike the “roller” technique used in Microneedling,  StemCell Microchanneling employs a gentler “stamping” method, causing less trauma and delivering superior results. This gentle yet effective approach will refresh and rejuvenate your skin.
Young Female Getting Microchannel Treatments | Luminous Skin Care Studio in Santa Clara, CA
Address Hair Loss with Microchannel Treatments
Discover  StemCell’s revolutionary treatment to stop hair loss at the root in Santa Clara, CA. Microchanneling stimulates the growth of new hair follicles by enhancing topical serum absorption into the scalp by over 300%. This hair loss treatment is suitable for both men and women in Santa Clara. Start your journey with 3-5 treatments, and remember to come with clean, dry hair for your appointment.
Microchanneling has become the most sought-after aesthetic skincare treatment in Santa Clara, delivering a range of benefits:
  • Reduces visible pore size
  • Firms, tightens & tones the skin
  • Promotes cell turnover
  • Smooths fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars
  • Fades surgical scars and stretch marks
  • Addresses hyperpigmentation and sun damage
  • Soothes rosacea
    Encourages hair regrowth
Microchannel Contradictions:
Uncontrolled Diabetes
Active Herpes Simplex In treatment area
Any Active Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Before Microchannel Treatment:
No Retinol for 3 days prior
No Botox or Filler for 5 days before
No Aspirin within 7 days prior to treatment
No mood altering drugs
No Chemotherapy or Radiation
After Care for Microchannel Treatment:
No exercising 24-48 hours
Absolutely “NO” Sun x 7days
Sunscreen- To reapply every 2 hours
No Actives such as Retinol, Vit C, Glycolic  x 10 days

Use a gentle Cleanser only, Moisturize with a water soluble product, also include Hyaluronic for added moisture. When using a cleanser or Moisturizer, absolutely no exfoliants in all products.


MicroChannel Treatments

$350.00 | Duration:  50 min 

This treatment is the perfect maintenance facial or an excellent post-microchannel treatment.

This Facial includes Natural Stem Cell Growth Factors to stimulate Collagen Formation, 
Microdermabrasion to remove dead skin cells, Steam massage with Stem Cell Enzyme, and Nano infusion of your choice between a brightening Cytokine serum or Anti Aging Cytokine Serum, Hyaluronic for that natural glow. This Facial will help to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, increase oxygen flow to stimulate cell renewal, decrease inflammation, reduce pigment, and leave your skin hydrated and glowing.


An individual who is seeking to reduce the signs of premature aging, sun damage, enlarged pores, mild to moderate wrinkles around the eyes, and acne scarring may want to consider microchanneling. This treatment offers quick healing with minimal downtime, making it an ideal option for those looking to improve their skin’s appearance.
For mild skin issues, one or two sessions can improve texture and appearance. For more significant results, such as reducing wrinkles and scars, a series of 4-6 treatments, spaced 3-4 weeks apart, is recommended. Notice a remarkable improvement in your skin over time.
Visible results are typically observed after the second Microchanneling treatment, with more significant results after two to three treatments. Hair regrowth may take up to a month to notice results.
Each microchanneling session typically lasts about 90 minutes.
There is no downtime required for Microchannel treatments, and you should be able to resume your normal daily activities. The typical recovery of microchannel treatment involves just a day or so of mild redness.
Hair regrowth Microchanneling therapy is effective for balding/thinning hair, eyebrows, and beards. A package of 6-14 treatments is recommended to achieve the best results, and the patient’s progress is monitored every two weeks. The procedure utilizes a growth factor serum that is individually tailored and comes with home care products to aid in continued healing.


Real People, Real Results

Book An Appointment

We are located below Benton Apartment, across the street from Santa Clara Police Department inside Sola Salon.  Please feel free to park along the street or inside the covered garage under retail parking.  Once you are inside the building, you will find us in Suite #11.
Any Questions

    We are located on the corner of 10th and E Taylor St inside Sola Salon, below Cannery Apartments across the street from Spartan Gas. Please feel free to park along the street or at the designated Sola Parking in front of Cannery Apartments. Once you are inside the building, you will find us in Suite #5.

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