Teeth Whitening

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Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening In Santa Clara Ca

Luminous Skin Studio in Santa Clara, CA, is proud to offer DaVinci Teeth Whitening, an innovative and effective solution for a brighter, more confident smile. This state-of-the-art teeth whitening procedure leverages LED light technology and an organic, plant, and mineral-based whitening gel to safely remove stains and discoloration from your teeth.
Teeth Whitening with DaVinci can treat a range of dental discoloration areas, from surface stains caused by coffee, tea, or tobacco, to deeper stains that have developed over time. This teeth whitening treatment is ideal for anyone seeking a healthier, more radiant smile, whether you’ve experienced natural age-related discoloration or staining from certain foods and drinks. Results can be seen immediately after your session, with your teeth noticeably several shades brighter. These stunning results can last for years with proper care and routine touch-ups.
Discover the difference of DaVinci Teeth Whitening at Luminous Skin Studio in Santa Clara, CA. Book your appointment today for a whiter, brighter smile.

Before treatment:

No Brushing or Flossing 4 hours before treatment.

After treatment:

Drink plenty of water for 2 hours to flush product and avoid sensitivity
Do not smoke or chew tobacco
Avoid all dark or colored food  and colored beverages for at least 24 hours
Next 48 hours Brush very gently a white tooth paste, Do not use baking soda or whitening toothpaste. Do not brush gums!

Teeth Whitening  Information:

DaVinci Teeth whitening safely removes stains caused by foods, beverages, tobacco, medicine, and ageing. For the ultimate whitening effect on your teeth, you have the option to perform up to 3 whitening sessions at this time.
*When whitening, you may feel slight tingling.
*DaVinci products will not damage existing dental work
*DaVinci products will remove stains from existing dental work but will not whiten them beyond their original color.
*White spots may appear more prevalent directly after whitening, but the contrast will lessen within 24 hours
*Everyone’s teeth respond differently and have their own natural stop point for teeth whitening results

*Teeth may feel temporary sensitivity: sensitivity is typically minor and gone within 24 hours. You may choose to purchase a desensitizing treatment with your whitening

DaVinci Product

DaVinci product offers enamel strengthening qualities. It is organic plant and mineral based containing NO animal by-productsActive ingredient is a food grade hydrogen peroxide.


To maintain healthy teeth and gums, it is recommended that you visit your dentist on a regular basis. If you have allergies or reactions to peroxide or glycerin, teeth whitening it is not recommended. If you have diabetes, heart condition, pregnant, and/or currently breast feeding you may want to consult with your doctor prior to using whitening products.
Happy girl showing her beaming white teeth with two forefingers | Luminous Skin Care Studio in Santa Clara, CA

Benefits of DaVinci Teeth Whitening at Luminous Skin Studio:

● Fast and effective results.
● Safe and pain-free treatment.
● Suitable for all types of teeth stains.
● Uses organic, plant and mineral-based whitening gel.
● Noticeably whiter teeth in just one session.
● Longer-lasting results with proper care.
● Professional and experienced staff.
● Enhances confidence with a brighter smile.
● Affordable and worth the investment.
● Convenient location in Santa Clara, CA.


DaVinci Teeth Whitening is a US-based company that has provided quality results since 1999. Unlike other brands, DaVinci develops and manufactures its own products using only premium ingredients. The gels they use are strong enough to give you the desired results but gentle enough to provide a safe, non-invasive teeth whitening experience. Dentists, professionals, and consumers alike have trusted DaVinci for its effectiveness and quality.

DaVinci’s Easy 3-Step Teeth Whitening Process

Step 1 – The whitening gel is applied to the teeth, upper & lower arc inside of the mouth.
Step 2 – The LED Laser Light is then positioned in the mouth to accelerate the whitening process.
Step 3 – Rinse & see your results!


Teeth Whitening

$220.00 | Duration:  105 min 

This treatment is the perfect maintenance facial or an excellent post-microchannel treatment.

This Facial includes Natural Stem Cell Growth Factors to stimulate Collagen Formation, 
Microdermabrasion to remove dead skin cells, Steam massage with Stem Cell Enzyme, and Nano infusion of your choice between a brightening Cytokine serum or Anti Aging Cytokine Serum, Hyaluronic for that natural glow. This Facial will help to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, increase oxygen flow to stimulate cell renewal, decrease inflammation, reduce pigment, and leave your skin hydrated and glowing.

Yes, it is a safe procedure that uses an organic, plant, and mineral-based whitening gel and FDA-approved LED technology.
While sensitivity is minimal and temporary, a small percentage of people may experience mild sensitivity post-treatment.
It depends on your diet and lifestyle and varies from person to person. With proper care and periodic touch-up treatments, you should be able to maintain a beautiful smile for a lifetime.
Results vary, but typically teeth can become 5-14 shades whiter in just one session.
DaVinci Teeth Whitening is effective on most stains, including those caused by tobacco, coffee, tea, and aging, though certain stains, like those from tetracycline, may not respond as well.
Most people can benefit from DaVinci Teeth Whitening. However, it is not recommended for children under 16, pregnant or lactating women, or those with periodontal disease.


Real People, Real Results

Book An Appointment

We are located below Benton Apartment, across the street from Santa Clara Police Department inside Sola Salon.  Please feel free to park along the street or inside the covered garage under retail parking.  Once you are inside the building, you will find us in Suite #11.
Any Questions

    We are located on the corner of 10th and E Taylor St inside Sola Salon, below Cannery Apartments across the street from Spartan Gas. Please feel free to park along the street or at the designated Sola Parking in front of Cannery Apartments. Once you are inside the building, you will find us in Suite #5.

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